New Product


Next Generation Hoof Solution

Visit our stand EH4106
for Special Introductory Offers!

NEW globally patented

Our self-assembling micro-emulsion footbath technology delivers unparalleled results!

  • Micellerate works by penetrating deep into the hoof cleft

  • Works inside and outside of digital dermatitis bacteria

  • Breaks down biofilm

  • Faster acting

  • Remains on hoof

  • Effective for up to 75,000 cows per 55 gallon

Animal Health Naturally

Provita Animal Health LLC are natural animal health experts with over 20 years experience in developing unique products which blend nature and science. The efficacy of our products is evidenced by over 50 clinical studies across 3 continents.

Research & Development

Combining leading edge scientific research with nature

Provita has an extensive Research & Development Department and has developed a range of products specific to cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, horses and small animals. These products all play a role in the maintenance of good health and improving animal performance naturally.

Lameness Reduction

Our products can reduce lameness in your herds. We have a proven track record with over 450 million cow passes worldwide.

  • Hoofsure Combat

    Adhesive film-forming spray providing persistent long lasting activity. Promotes natural healing. Antibiotic free

  • Hoofsure Konquest - Tub

    Penetrating highly concentrated hoof gel with Bioadhesion and penetrating properties. Antibiotic free.

  • Hoofsure Konquest - Tube

    Penetrating highly concentrated hoof gel with Bioadhesion and penetrating properties. Antibiotic free.

  • Hoofsure Endurance

    Proprietary footbath solution blend of organic acids, essential oils and wetting agents for healthly hooves and to aid control of footrot.

Protection, Prevention, Performance, Profit

  • "Hoofsure Endurance is the only product I’ve ever trialled that has performed as well as formalin at preventing new lesions, and I’ve trialled a lot of products”.

    Dr Nick Bell, Herd Health and Lameness Expert

  • Hoofsure Endurance: 6% wart reduction in 4 weeks Konquest/ Combat: reduced lesions per week from 35 to 3!

    Athens, Wisconsin, USA - 1,000 cow herd

  • Horn quality and re-growth greatly improved

    Carlisle, Scotland - 460 Jersey herd

  • 71% M2 lesion reduction within 6 weeks 26% overall lameness reduction within 6 weeks

    Warringstown, N. Ireland - 520 Holstein herd - milking 3 times a day

  • "By using Hoofsure within the plan and with the support of Provita, I’m saving money and the cows are in better form which means I’m in better form. This is especially important during the current market conditions.”

    Eric Bloomfield, Northern Ireland

  • “I have seen a huge benefit from the visits Provita have made to my farm. The cases of Digital Dermatitis have reduced a lot, intake is better, and my cows overall are more content. "

    Brian Rankin, Northern Ireland

  • “Foot bathing should be an integral part of the flock management procedures followed. It can be easily included in the routines followed at dosing, drenching and clipping times. It only takes a relatively short period of time to run ewes and lambs through the foot bath.”

    Denver McCall, Northern Ireland

  • What we particularly like about Hoofsure Endurance is the fact that it is not sore on young lambs. This cannot be said for other foot bath products that are currently on the market.”

    Graham Foster, Northern Ireland

  • “We have been using Endurance for many years, on a preventative basis. And it works. But sheep and lambs must be foot bathed regularly in order to get the best results.”

    Seamus McLaughlin, Northern Ireland